5 Basic Motorcycle Maintenance Tasks You Could Do Yourself

Feb. 4 2020 Other By Berts Mega Mall

Berts Mega Mall | Powersports Hub 

Maintenance on a motorcycle like every other vehicle is inevitable. And sometimes performing some simple maintenance can run you a pretty penny, when it is something that can be easily performed yourself. Not only will you be saving money but you’ll now know what task you can perform all by yourself, you will feel empowered! With the proper tools and equipment, you should be able to complete these tasks yourself!  

Oil Changes

Changing the oil in your bike a lot simpler than it may sound. All you need are the right tools and oil. Doing the oil change yourself usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on your skills and available tools. This is common maintenance that people with no experience can complete with a little guidance. 

Changing the Coolant

Changing the coolant on your bike is a fairly simple and quick job, typically it only takes about 30 minutes. It's another task that's often neglected but only takes a few minutes. Check your owner's manual to locate your bike's coolant expansion tank if it has one. High and low levels should be marked on the outside of the translucent tank. Only do this when the engine is cold. 

Maintaining the chain

Maintaining your chain in good shape is very important. Chains stretch over time and letting it become too loose will deteriorate the overall performance over your bike. Your owner’s manual will provide you with the proper slack so you can adjust it. Sometimes your chain will become too uneven to adjust which means it’s time for a new one. Your chain should always be lubricated but when riding debris can get stuck onto it because it is sticky, so clean that off with degreaser and a grunge brush, then lube it up again. For all task make sure you have the right tools and you’ll be set in no time!   

Air filter replacement
Motorcycle air filters are an essential part of your bike, they’re used to trap dirt and other debris that should not enter your engine. Your bike’s air filter may be found by removing the air filter cover on the side of the engine. With the right tools, you can easily swap the filter with a new one. Another very easy maintenance that can be done with


You should always do an inspection of your tires before you take off. This maintenance is more of something that is done on a regular basis because it is easier to spot and keep up on. But you should always be aware of your tire pressure, as it is a crucial factor on a motorcycle.

We hope this helped you figure out what maintenance you can do on your own and also helps you out on saving some dollars. Remember to always follow your motorcycle manual for regular service information. You will get better and better as you perform the maintenances repeatedly, so do not worry if you cannot perfect it the first time!







