What You Should Do After a Motorcycle Crash

Jan. 22 2020 Other By Berts Mega Mall

Berts Mega Mall | Powersports Hub 

While any method of transportation carries some level of danger, it is no secret that motorcycles are vulnerable when it comes to accidents. Due to their size, motorcycles are often not seen on the road which leads to a collision. Being in a motorcycle accident can leave you in a state of shock and you will be confused about what to do. If you are ever involved in a motorcycle accident, there are important necessary steps you must take afterward. Here are some crucial steps you must do after a motorcycle accident.

Safety First:

If you are ever involved in a motorcycle accident, the first thing you need to do is move away from harm’s way. Check yourself to make sure you are able to move and do not have any major injuries. If you were riding with a passenger, make sure you check up on them as well to make sure they are also okay. If you are okay to move and your motorcycle is in working condition, move it to the side of the road away from upcoming traffic. If the motorcycle is not working, keep your distance as is could be leaking gasoline.


Seek Medical Attention:

If anyone involved in the accident has any major injuries, it is essential that you seek medical attention right away. Try not to move the person from where they are unless they are in a hazardous area and must be moved before the ambulance arrives. Even if all the people involved in the accident state they are okay, you should probably still call 911 and have an ambulance go to the scene of the accident and check everyone involved. Accidents result in adrenaline surges so you might not notice an injury until hours later.


Insider Tip: If no ambulance showed up to the scene and you notice an injury hours later, go get checked out immediately and let them know you were in a motorcycle accident


Call the Police:

If the accident you were involved in resulted in property damage, personal injury, or death, it is mandatory that you call the police. If you already called 911 to seek medical attention, then police officers will show up the scene routinely so you do not need to call them again. A police officer must be present to control traffic, make a police report and record any details of the accident, and determine whether immediate legal action is required.

DO NOT Leave the Scene:

If you are ever involved in an accident, please DO NOT leave the scene. If there are major injuries from anyone involved, you must stay on the scene until help arrives. If the injuries are not serious, you should still stay on the scene to exchange all relevant information. Leaving the scene of an accident you were involved in is a serious issue, especially when there are major injuries involved.

Gather Information:

Once you see that everyone is okay, you should begin to exchange information with all parties involved in the accident. It is important to gather names, phone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers, and insurance information and provide them with your information as well. It is also a good idea to write down information about the vehicles involved. Write down the make, model, and license plate numbers.

Insider Tip: If possible, try to write down other important information like road conditions, speed limits, weather conditions.


Take Photos of the Scene:

Although a police officer makes a police report of the accident, it is a good idea for you to take pictures of the accident with your phone as additional evidence. Take pictures of your motorcycle, all the other vehicles involved, any skid marks made on the road, damage to other property, road signs, and anything else relevant to the accident. These photos will come in handy in case police need additional evidence they did not obtain during the day of the accident.

Speak with Witnesses:

Aside from taking pictures of the scene of the accident, it is also a good idea to talk to any bystanders that witnessed the accident. Write down their name, phone number, and any details they remember seeing. These witness testimonies can be super important if you plan on filing a personal injury claim. You can either ask them to write down exactly what they saw or you can also record their statement on your smartphone (if they are okay with being recorded).

Contact Your Insurance Company:

Once you have been checked out by a medical professional, made a police report, and collected any additional information you may need, you must get in contact with your insurance company to let them know about your motorcycle accident. Let them know about your injuries as well as the motorcycle damage. Provide the agent with the relevant information that you collected at the scene. All the information you received will make this process run a lot smoother.

Be Safe!

It is no secret that motorcycle accidents can happen to even the greatest of riders. When the unexpected happens, it is important that you know what steps to take afterward. After making sure you and everyone involved are okay, it is important to gather all the important information you need from everyone involved. The important thing is that you get examined for injuries and stay calm throughout the entire process.


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